Returns and Cancellations

How to cancel

If you would like to cancel your order, you just need to let us know that you have decided to cancel. To do this you can call us on 00393475446148  with your Order Number email to hand. Alternatively you can notify us online on

Please include your order number and clearly specify which product(s) you wish to return.

Returning your items

If you have already received your order, it needs to be returned to INTERZONE STORE in full and in resalable condition before the refund is made. We also ask that you return the packaging wherever possible. You can arrange collection of cancelled online orders by contacting us . Please have your order number and delivery receipt to hand. We will then arrange for a collection.

For all online purchases returned after 14 days you are responsible for the cost of returning the product(s) unless the product is faulty or not as described, in which case we will refund any reasonable costs you incur in returning it to us. If you are returning your product(s) because they are faulty or incorrect, no collection fee will be charged. We will make any refund due to you as soon as possible and within the following timelines:

  • If you have received the product(s) and we have agreed not to collect them from you, 14 days after the day on which we receive the product(s) back from you (or if earlier, the day on which you provide us with evidence that you have sent the product(s) back to us; or
  • If you have not received the product(s) or you have received them and we have agreed to collect them from you, 14 days after you inform us of your decision to cancel the contract.


Your consumer rights

INTERZONE STORE returns and delivery policies are in addition to and do not affect your legal rights in relation to goods that are faulty or not as described.

General terms relating to our relationship with you

If you would like more information about INTERZONE, or want to get in touch with us, please contact us or contact customer services on mobile 00393475446148.

Events Beyond Our Reasonable Control

We will not be responsible for any delay or failure to comply with these general terms and conditions or the returns policy if the delay or failure arises from any event which is beyond our reasonable control. Such events would include (but are not limited to) fires, floods, earthquakes, storms, natural disasters, war, civil unrest, acts of terrorism or malicious damage to or destruction of our premises, equipment or goods

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